Sapienza Design Research is among the winners of the Lazio Region call for proposals “Research Groups 2020”, with the SPHeaD - Smart Personal Health-care Devices project. The objective of the call is to strengthen the capacity of the research system and to promote the competitiveness of the Lazio production system, through funding for the implementation of RSI Projects consistent with the regional Smart Specialization Strategy. The SPHeaD project intends to develop a kit of technologically intelligent solutions for self-monitoring of the health status of the elderly in residential health care facilities (RSA) in order to reduce the impact on the health system, both on the attending physician who will be able to periodically check the monitoring remotely and establish any subsequent actions, and on the hospital which will be able to intervene only in case of actual need. The kit consists of the development of a human-technology-environment system that, through wearables and other devices, monitors numerous patient health indicators, collected and processed in a cloud and made available to the RSA manager and the medical operator. The kit will be developed by applying principles and methods of physical and cognitive ergonomics for a correct human-technology interaction, machine-learning, big data and Healthcare Management for the development of a service that involves the entire e-health-care supply chain.
SPHeaD will be carried out in collaboration between Sapienza Design Research, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Dept. Industrial Engineering) and University of Tuscia (DEIM - Department of Economics' Engineering' Society and Business). The three research organizations provide a highly multidisciplinary team to which 13 different SSDs will contribute, organized into 4 thematic Working Groups: GdL “Healthcare” - General surgical clinic, General surgery, Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy, Applied medical technical sciences; GdL “Hardware” (Industrial Bioengineering, Design, Materials Science and Technology; GdL Software” - Information Processing Systems, Electromagnetic Fields, Work and Organizational Psychology; GdL “Management” - General and Applied Hygiene, Business Economics and Management, Economic-Management Engineering, Architectural Technology.
Project Code: A0375-2020-36726
TAZZA: B85F21001610002
Total Project Amount: €149,542.05