Welcome to the Sapienza Design Research center!

Sapienza Design Research is the first Interdepartmental University Center in Italy dedicated to Design-driven Innovation.
According to the STEAM approach, Sapienza Design Research seeks multidisciplinary research also in collaboration with partners outside the university, imagines dissemination events towards the general public according to the principles of the "third mission", extracurricular training projects for continuous training.
The Design for Children project, funded by the Sapienza call for Third Mission projects, confirms the partnership between the interdepartmental center Sapienza Design Research and Save the Children Italy to fight educational poverty. Within the campaign "Illuminiamo il Futuro", since 2019 Sapienza researchers have been protagonists as consultants and teachers in the creation of a series of paths of approach to design through the creative use of technologies both of representation and of prototyping and digital manufacturing, dedicated to young people between 12 and 19 years old exposed to the risk of social exclusion. The first phase of the new Design for Children project began in March 2023, co-designed with the Save the Children team and the coop. Soc S.S. Pietro e Paolo for young beneficiaries of the Punto Luce delle arti in Ostia, one of the 26 high-density educational spaces through which Save the Children continues to fight educational poverty in the most disadvantaged contexts throughout the country, in an area historically at risk of both educational and material poverty in the Roman suburbs.
[Project code: A0375-2020-36726, CUP: B85F21001610002, Total project amount: €149,542.05]
SPHead is among the projects funded on the “Research Groups 2020” Notice of the Lazio Region. The research team is led by the SDR Center in partnership with the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business of the University of Tuscia. For Sapienza, in addition to the skills of some of the Departments affiliated with the SDR Center (DIMA; PDTA; DIAG, DiAP, Management), the project is supported by the skills of the Departments of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications; Surgical Sciences; Radiological, Oncological and Anatomo-Pathological Sciences; Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology and Cardiovascular Clinical Sciences; Public Health and Infectious Diseases of Sapienza University of Rome. The SPHeaD project aims to develop and test a kit of technologically intelligent solutions for self-monitoring of the health status of the elderly in nursing homes (RSA) in order to reduce the impact on the health system of both the attending physician who will be able to periodically check the monitoring remotely and establish any subsequent actions and the hospital which will be able to intervene only in case of actual need.
“MiRA: Mixed Reality Ambiances. A CMS for museum exhibition design" is among the projects funded by the DTC call dedicated to RSI projects - Research, Development and Innovation, coming in twelfth place in the ranking, which includes a total of 80 projects. The MiRA project promotes an advanced paradigm of interaction and engagement in exhibition spaces, with the aim of improving the communication of cultural heritage. The aim is to develop a software platform that allows the creation of effective interactive installations even in the absence of IT experts, instead strengthening the professional figures who already collaborate with the Places of Culture. The MiRA system will make Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality possible without any physical contact with the visitor, enhancing the exhibition spaces with the interactive and immersive explanation of the finds. The project involves three universities including Sapienza Design Research, University of Cassino (DIPEG) and Link Campus University, as well as two companies in the cultural heritage sector.
The International Conference Design Culture(s) | Cumulus Roma 2021 has concluded. The conference hosted the thirtieth anniversary of the Cumulus Association, the only global association serving education and research in the field of art and design, which currently includes over 300 important university institutions from 56 countries. The initiative took place over four days, with approximately 680 registered participants, over 350 contributions including articles and posters for the 10 tracks, for a total of 80 parallel sessions and 10 exhibitions. 20 track chairs, four keynote speakers in plenary, and illustrious guests from the global academic scene contributed. On this occasion, more than 50 schools from all over the world were presented for the parallel event New Members Fair, and at a national level 18 schools for the Italian Members Fair.