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Design & New European Bauhaus. Inclusivity, Aesthetics, Sustainable Development


09 APRIL 2021 | h. 09:30 – 16.30
Online Seminar 
Google Meet:

organized by: 
Sapienza Design Research Interdepartmental Center

with the participation of:
ADI, Association for Industrial Design
Symbola, Foundation for Italian Quality

The seminar "DESIGN & NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS. Inclusivity, Aesthetics, Sustainable Development" is an opportunity for dialogue and discussion on the themes launched by the New European Bauhaus project, part of the Next Generation EU Program funded by the European Union. In this context, the goals of inclusivity, aesthetics, and sustainability are gaining renewed importance, emphasizing the crucial role of design, creativity, and innovation. The objective is to initiate a new phase of renewal that makes territories key players in driving change toward a circular economy and building a shared environmental and cultural project that enhances local cultures. 
The seminar focuses on places, relationships between people, and behaviors, aiming for a renaissance that is primarily cultural, as well as technological and scientific, developing a future narrative that engages all creative minds: designers, architects, artists, and everyday citizens. 
The seminar aims to bring together stakeholders involved in design, from academia to associations, to develop a new cultural and practical alliance.

From a renewed interest in third-mission activities: research, education, and culture have the power to build a bridge to society, and similarly, the university can become a place for creating and disseminating a new cultural and design movement. 

In this sense, the seminar – promoted by the Sapienza Design Research Interdepartmental Center with ADI Association for Industrial Design, and Symbola Foundation for Italian Quality – aims to contribute to the collective effort, which we are all called to, by creating a meeting space to design ways of living in the future. 




Lorenzo Imbesi, Director, Sapienza Design Research Center
Claudio Gambardella, Coordinator, ADI Thematic Commission “Handmade in Italy”, 
Department of DADI, Vanvitelli University


Greetings | h. 9.30

Antonella Polimeni, Rector, Sapienza University of Rome

Orazio Carpenzano, Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome

Claudio Germak, President, SID – Italian Design Society 

Francesca Tosi, President, CUID – Italian Design University Conference

Antonella Andriani, Vice President, ADI – Association for Industrial Design 

Domenico Sturabotti, Director, SYMBOLA – Foundation for Italian Quality


Session: INCLUSIVITY | h. 10.30

Lorenzo Imbesi (Chair), Director, Sapienza Design Research Center

Luigi Campitelli, Active Space and Open Innovation, Lazio Innova
Giuseppe Lotti, University of Florence
Niccolò Casiddu, PNR 2021-21 Creativity, Design and Made in Italy, University of Genoa
Anna Del Sorbo, President, Small Industry, Naples Industrial Union
Vincenzo Cristallo, Sapienza Design Research

Session: AESTHETICS | h. 12.00

Claudio Gambardella (Chair), Coordinator, ADI Thematic Commission “Handmade in Italy”, 
Department of DADI, Vanvitelli University

Elisabetta Di Stefano, University of Palermo
Saverio Mecca, University of Florence
Patrizia Ranzo, Coordinator, PNR 2021-21 Creativity, Design and Made in Italy, Department of DADI, Vanvitelli University
Spartaco Paris, ADI Thematic Commission “Handmade in Italy”, Sapienza Design Research


Session: SUSTAINABILITY | h. 14.30

Domenico Sturabotti (Chair), Director, SYMBOLA – Foundation for Italian Quality

Giulio Iacchetti, Designer
Andrea Branciforti, President, ADI Sicily, ADI Thematic Commission “Handmade in Italy”
Amleto Picerno Ceraso, ADI Thematic Commission “Handmade in Italy”, Digital Craft Center
Marina Parente, ADI Thematic Commission “Handmade in Italy”, Polytechnic University of Milan 
Romana Andò, Sapienza Design Research

Conclusions | h. 15.45

Ermete Realacci, President, SYMBOLA – Foundation for Italian Quality
Massimiliano Smeriglio, MEP, General Rapporteur for Creative Europe



Scientific Committee

Romana Andò, Sapienza Design Research;
Claudio Gambardella, Coordinator, ADI Thematic Commission “Handmade in Italy”, 
Department of DADI, Vanvitelli University
Angela Giambattista, Sapienza University of Rome;
Lorenzo Imbesi, Director, Sapienza Design Research Center
Tonino Saggio, Sapienza Design Research;
Domenico Sturabotti, SYMBOLA – Foundation for Italian Quality
Gianluca Vagnani, Sapienza Design Research;

Technical-Organizational Committee

Luca D’Elia, Sapienza University of Rome
Gianni Denaro, Sapienza University of Rome
Paride Duello, Sapienza University of Rome


+39 0649919009

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