The portal for the “Master Degree in Industry 4.0 / Ind4.0” project, funded by the ERASMUS+ KA2 Capacity Building program in the field of Higher Education, has been launched.
InD4.0 aims to provide a Master's program in Industry 4.0 that will be offered by higher education institutions in Cambodia, Indonesia, and Malaysia, all part of the ASEAN region. Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of Industry 4.0, the program will have intrinsic multidisciplinarity combining a range of technological fields, such as cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, and big data analytics, with application fields of great importance to the project’s partner countries from both industrial and economic perspectives. The Master's structure will therefore include core courses to provide fundamental technological knowledge of Industry 4.0, serving as a foundation for orientation courses that will offer specialization in the vertical and horizontal value chains of four key industries: Manufacturing, Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Pervasive Health.
Consequently, the project will adopt a multidisciplinary approach addressing a set of thematic priorities established for the Asian region, providing learning tools, frameworks, and methodologies for various core courses that integrate information and communication technologies, physics, mathematics, and engineering – all essential scientific domains for understanding and implementing the technological components of Industry 4.0. The project will also address regional thematic priorities in manufacturing and processing, agriculture, fishing, and health as application domains of the Industry 4.0 paradigm through specialization courses organized as a mix of theory and application, within a project-based education context.
To provide a better learning experience and offer students the opportunity to see how academic theories relate to real-life scenarios and situations, the courses will follow a STEM 4.0 approach, leveraging science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Progetto “Master Degree in Industry 4.0 / Ind4.0” avviato

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