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Research Axes

The Research Lines of the Center are structured into 3 axes. 
1. Design for Industry 4.0 and Made in Italy, 
2. Design for Digital Society and Social Innovation, 
3. Design for Cultural Experience
Visit the Projects page for examples belonging to each axis.

1. Design for Industry 4.0 and Made in Italy

The application topics of this Research Line concern experiments for and of innovation processes that involve both production and consumption, enabled by Information Technologies, managed through Design Thinking approaches, and developed using advanced Manufacturing technologies. In particular, the Center focuses on innovation processes for the benefit of industrial sectors of Made in Italy.
This research axis benefits from the expertise of members from the following Departments:

- Architecture and Design
- Design, History, Restoration of Architecture
- Computer, Automation, and Management Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
- Management
- Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture - History, Anthropology, Religions, Arts, Performing Arts

2. Design for Digital Society and Social Innovation

This Research Line includes experiments concerning Social Innovation processes aimed at developing new services that enable users in various sectors of social and collective life. In particular, the Center has focused on topics such as Health-care, Social Inclusion, and Social Awareness.
This research axis benefits from the expertise of members from the following Departments:
- Computer, Automation, and Management Engineering - Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Management
- Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture
- Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes

3. Design for Cultural Experience

The topics of this Research Line concern experiments on new services and products intended for the enjoyment of cultural content and the promotion of the artistic/cultural heritage of local contexts. In this sense, the Center has launched a specific observatory on the dynamics of use and enhancement of architectural and archaeological contexts.
This research axis benefits from the expertise of members from the following Departments:

- Architecture and Design
- Design, History, Restoration of Architecture
- Computer, Automation, and Management Engineering
- Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
- Management
- Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture - Ancient Sciences - History, Anthropology, Religions, Arts, Performing Arts